December Games

 I was able to start my internship with the Worcester Railers on December 22nd, 2023, in their front office. My position is in Game Day Operations. The first couple of games I worked were "Home For The Holidays" themed. During those games, I was stationed at the giveaway item table. We had fun holiday headbands, funky glasses, rubber bracelets, slap bracelets, and beads that were free for attendees to take and wear for the game. I would set up the Kid's Club table with the wheel for the kids to spin and the prizes that corresponded to it, making sure we had everything and it looked presentable. We, the group of interns, would arrive to the office and start working on making Chuck-A-Pucks to be sold during the games. This is a mini game that generates a lot of the revenue aside from selling merchandise. There are six foam pucks with a number written on them that get put into a brown paper bag that we write the same numbers on. They're sold for $5 and either takes place during the second intermission or the end of the game depending on the other intermission activities. People buy the bags and when it's time, are called down to the glass of the rink to "chuck" their pucks over the glass and try to get them in the kiddie pool target that is put on the ice. If your puck makes it in, you get whatever the prize is that night that range from car washes to parties at Apex Entertainment in Marlborough. After we've worked on the Chuck-A-Puck bags, we go down to the concourse to help setup the merchandise stands putting out the apparel. Depending on the day, they might have other hockey games going on so we may work a charity or youth game. When I was working in December, I did not do any of these games because the day we had one I was with a few of the guys from the front office over at the Skating Oval just down the street. We had a promotion for the day that if you had a ticket for the game that night, then you could skate at the oval for free.


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