January 12-14

 I had my first 3-in-3 this past weekend (3 games in 3 days), and it was so busy! January 12th was country night and was sponsored by Off The Rails. We came in and did Chuck-A-Pucks and merch stands, but the president brought in her new dog, so we played with her for a while as well. I did the seat tags again this game. I ran the Chuck-A-Puck mobile station for the weekend which is a bunch of the bags in a Price Chopper shopping cart. I walk around the concourse and stop at the Kids Club table and the bar section to get a good flow of people seeing me.

January 13th was a high school double header day. We had 2 games between Nashoba Regional High School and Grafton High School, JV and Varsity. Like always, we came in to do Chuck-A-Pucks until I checked on the concourse table setup. I was called to help set up the inflatable for the players to skate through during their introduction. I helped unfold it and lift it while it was blowing up, then when they were done skating through, let it deflate, folded, and dragged it off the ice to be fully folded with our boss and the other interns. After that, the press meal for the day was pizza so I grabbed a couple slices for another intern who was running music for the games before and during their warmups and throughout the games. I switched with another intern who was doing security (which is just making sure people stay between certain seats and not going to the merch stands, though I didn't have to do much because the games were mostly over by now). It was Icecats Night, so there was a different setup for the game. We had only Icecats merch out and I was stationed with another intern at the Icecats Package table for the night. The package included the tickets and an Icecats hat per ticket, but this was hard to explain to some people. This was the night I dealt with the largest number of guests since I've been there. There were so many people who didn't buy the package who wanted to get the hats and we had to tell them that they couldn't. It was especially crazy when people were offering to pay us exclusively for them or trying to get us to give them the hats regardless. We did not take those offers and some people weren't happy about that, so we had to redirect them to other staff members. After the game, we held an auction for the game worn jerseys of 2 players, John Muse and Anthony Repaci, and the Icecats mascot, Scratch. It was really cool to see people bidding on them and Repaci's jersey was sold for $4,000.

Anthony Repaci, MassLive.com                               

Sunday, January 14th, was Pirates and Princesses Day. This was definitely a more relaxed game than the night before. We did all of our usual arrival tasks, Chuck-A-Puck and merch setup, and it was an earlier game than others I've worked. By the time we were done with those, the doors were opening for the 3:00 game. I was on Chuck-A-Puck mobile again and stuck to my strategy of going to the Kid's Club and the bar, but I was accompanied this time by another intern. We walked around a lot and didn't end up selling a lot of them, but we didn't really expect to after how many we sold the night before. We had a couple staff members dress up as Disney Princesses and we had one pirate walking around, talking and taking pictures with the kids. When we weren't selling Chuck-A-Pucks, me and the other intern got to watch the game and we, unfortunately, saw them lose the game after winning both games from the past 2 days.


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