March 27-30

 On Wednesday, March 27th, we had our second Sensory Friendly Night. Because it was a lower attendance game, we only set up one merch stand. A couple of the other interns and I set up the concourse and fit the tables with their tablecloths. I was in the Cool Down Room again. We didn't have many people come in this night, which was good to see. A couple came in to check it out when doors opened, two teenagers stopped by during the first period, and the second into third period another girl came in with her mom. I got to color four pictures and do the word search that we put out. When the last girl came in, she was recovering from an anxiety seizure. I got to talk with her and her mom a lot. Her mom and I calmed her down and explained any noises that may have happened like the freight elevator sounds coming from right next to the room. I think her mom is a member of the booster club and they knew some of our Ice Crew members, so one of them came up to talk to them as well. Zoey, our Ice Crew member, came up and gave the girl a birthday present because she was celebrating for the week for her 18th birthday. We all sat, talked, and colored until Zoey had to go back and the girl was ready to go back to the game with the rest of her family. As I was cleaning up the room at the end of the game, one of the front office guys came in to tell me that he had "gotten a compliment" about me. Zoey had apparently told him that I "was the best" so he wanted to come in and see who was in the room and tell me.

Friday, the 29th, we all came in and started making our Chuck-A-Pucks. A couple of us got pulled to help put together the surprise military puck boxes. These were pucks that had a military style print on one side with an autograph from a player. We put the stickers on the backs of them that said who the player was, packed them up into their boxes, and loaded them into the cart so they were ready for Military Night on Saturday. We set up the merch stands and I was on Kids Club for the night.

Saturday was Military Night. We had the concourse set up with so many tables that were sponsored by different military organizations in the area. They played a slideshow throughout the night of different vets who were KIA, MIA, POW, and a couple who were active duty. I did seat tags during the military games that were going on before our game and picked up the press meal from Chick-Fil-A. Getting the 7 bags of that into my car with my stuff in there to go home was definitely a challenge, but I Tetris-ed them around in there. I was on Chuck-A-Puck mobile for the night and we had an online jersey auction set up at the table too. We had Todd Angilly, the Boston Bruins anthem singer, there to sing the anthem for us. He was such a nice person and very interactive with the guests. One of the interns got a selfie with him too. This game had the biggest conflicts I've seen us have since I've been there. We had a group of people get escorted and kicked out by the police for being too drunk. They started a screaming match in the concourse because one of them was a veteran and started claiming that "this place" doesn't actually care about veterans. A little bit after, a girl had an epileptic seizure, a kid walked by with ice on his hand, and an older lady got a bloody nose. At the end of the night, we had a full break down of everything and I got stuck bringing the super heavy carts of merch back to the office and restacking them in there.


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